The weapons we make are the instruments of our own destruction. How could this possibly not be true?
If you think about this, isn't it true? Firstly, take this point simply in the thought realm. If I think thoughts of fear or self-scorn or inadequacy, doesn't that amp up my chances of failure? I think so. If I think thoughts of criticism or hatred, I am instantly in a discordant frame of mind where these thoughts can fill me with feelings and in the worst case, lead me to action.
As the world's primo arms dealer, the USA has also become the country most afflicted by gun violence and, the country which is the world's leading terrorist state. Can many of us even name 1/2 the countries in which we are interfering militarily either overtly or covertly? Can we even find half these places on a map? I can't.
When we bemoan the loss of jobs and our declining standard of living are we at the same time able to be proud that in many conflicts in the world, both sides are armed by the 'Made in the USA" arms? Do dead people even give a shit?
Whether you use the word 'karma' or not, doesn't it make sense that we will reap what we sow? Doesn't it make sense that soon we won't have enough days in the year to commemorate all the anniversaries of tragic shootings in our country?
"How can we sleep at night?" I ask myself. Then I think of how many of us need pills to sleep at night and pills to cope with life and pills to numb us and I wonder. Are we fully into our own destruction and not seeing it yet? I have no answers today, but I can think of a lot of ways we could direct our energies, like feeding people and educating ourselves.