When I named this blog, "Ask Julie", I was hoping we could get a conversation going. I want this to be a fun and interesting blog, but the best way I see this happening is if you would be so kind as to share some reactions or ask some questions or down right tell me where and when I am full of it. I love telling my stories and, with the philosophical stuff, I am struggling to mature and incarnate my understandings of how things work.
As you know, everyone we meet has something very important to contribute, otherwise why out of all the billions on earth at this time, would we meet them? You are meeting me again on this blog and it is important to me.
I once did a little Access TV Cable Show called ASK JULIE. I was stunned to find out that people would poor out their guts to a total stranger in a public forum. For instance, "I was having an affair and my teenage daughter saw me and now she isn't speaking to me. What should I do?" Actually it was much more detailed than that, but you can fill in the imagery.
I still laugh when I think of that show. My dear friend Ron was my co-conspirator and we had the graphic "ASK JULIE" behind us but when someone asked a question, they addressed it to Ron. Because he is a man? Because he is a Physician? So, Ron's job was to slide the questions to me.
I had never really encountered problems with sexism. For me, it was amusing. For someone else, it might have been insulting. I had grown up in a family in which there was no sex discrimination. My Mom was a professional with a MSW as well as a mother of five. She did it all. I went to an all women's boarding school and after that the sixties had arrived.
But one thing that stood out to me one our show was how much people want and need forgiveness. Years before, I had an idea that I used to toss around with Christopher. He was always a good idea person. My idea was to have an 800 number 1-800-ICONFESS. My role at the end would be to say, "God loves you." or God forgives you." depending on the call. I had a strong feeling that this is something that would be worth a very lot to a lot of people.
I never did it because life interrupted. But doing our little TV gig, I was reminded of how much we carry around inside of us.
The other day Ron told me that the most poignant moment for him on the Camino was when I turned around after going to confession with joyful tears on my face. I rest my case. (see Camino story earlier in this Blog)
Your comments can be on the Blog or hidden. No names need appear. If anyone has wisdom about getting rid of old bad karma, please share. Besos, J.
Hi again Julie,
ReplyDeleteIf you didn't recognize tahlia Iris's name, it is I, Randie/
I am home alone!
Uh, bad karma. WHat to do. I'm all into Fedenkrais right now (tho I skipped the drive to Berkeley to attend a workshop today - too windy and rainy..) He lived in Palenstine in the 20's as a Jewish Russian immigrant. The prectice builds loads of awareness. I am going with the idea that the more aware one is of each action and it's relation to one's own breath, the closer we are to acting as/through/with the divine. cuz the breath is divine, and when there is no struggle, no violence of force, but just movement and action intertwined with the breath, we cause no more negative karma. I don't think we can erase the bad, tho./ We have to release it, energetically, so that we don't HABITUALLY make the same choices again. maybe that's it! By George, I think I've got it!