Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Reacting to Feedback

The first positive feedback I got about my caving in and planning to vote for Obama was an invite to join the "Disaffected Progressives for Obama". OK. Misery loves company.

The most important feedback was about my rant about Mormons. Firstly, I believe more than most in every one's right to worship as they wish. I really do think it is a basic human right. And I believe that the act of loving God, or the earth, or a ritual, is an righteous act. As Guru Maharaji says, "Love is Love." That being said, however, I read  the Book of Mormon when I was reading scriptures from many religions and I was shocked by the racism and sexism in it. (I will try and find some page references). I remember that at every press conference and speech that Jack Kennedy gave when he was running for president he was questioned again and again about whether the Pope would be the power that ran him. He was to become the first Catholic president. He answered  every question. I want a lot more questions to be asked of Romney about the influence of Mormon precepts on how he will conduct himself if he becomes president. I believe we have the right to know. Does he follow his church teachings on the not quite fully human status of other races? Does he believe that women should be subservient to men? Does he believe that this planet is only a few thousand years old? Questions like this would be a certain predictor of how he would handle subjects like climate change, like his attitude toward immigration and foreign policy, his actions regarding the ERA.

Please, dear Mormons, worship whatever God you love, but please Mr. Romney, don't plan on laying your trip on any of us non-believers.

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