Friday, July 13, 2012



Do you remember...regarding the bread project? You and I had a conversation and I talked about the power in just doing one thing...well.  Instead of starting a restaurant and doing  lots of things, just make bread. Instead, in your home, trying to be good at everything ( like homemakers who excel at many activities---but go unrecognized) , just focus on one thing. bread, or pies, or whatever, but, just one.  If you can't be all things for your kids, just do one thing that will be good--that they will remember. Try making your own bread.

Then, you, the doer, went back to Oregon and started doing "just one thing" . And, so the bread project came about. Maybe you remember it differently. But, I remember this. : )

What other "just one things" shall we do?



Joan, I do remember this and I had a flicker of the memory when I was writing the blog and then I couldn't remember. Thanks so much for sending this. You really were the first little light on this adventure.

One of the Bread Kids went to midwifery school. Another went to Cuba to study agriculture. One went to China to study acupuncture. One teaches organic farming at an alternative high school...and on and on.

Ralph Waldo Emerson; "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."

The "just one thing" that I have been thinking about lately and it will take a miracle to show me how to do anything about it is that I think that we shoud have free broadband access everywhere and for everyone in this country. Many countries have already implemented this. The lack of this widens the divide between the haves and the have nots. For anyone to compete in this world today, they need access. Now.

1 comment:

  1. Jules, amazing and so enlightening! Your BOOK!!!! So much better than little stories (which I LOVE) catching little blips! One Love
