Monday, February 11, 2013

I Stand Corrected!

A reader wrote to me concerning my sloppy information calling us the richest country in the world. I looked it up and according to several sources, we are the 8th richest country in the world. The statistics I read didn't include stuff about natural resources, but did mention that the current winner, Qatar, has a great divide between the people who are enormously wealthy and the workers who most certainly are not. And (surprise!) the workers aren't happy about it.

I regret being sloppy and will try not to be. But I still think that we could do something about the decreasing  middle class if we would think a little bit about a "chicken in every pot." Are we starting to look like the days before the fall of Rome or the days before the French Revolution? More and more so, I think. And I can't see how bullying the world and subverting governments and arming ourselves and the whole planet are making things better.

It is obvious to anyone who thinks that we are in a state of decline. Are we going to be like the addict who has to hit rock bottom or death before he have his spiritual awakening?  I hope not. The risks are enormous. But the addiction to power and greed and a sense of superiority seems to have many of us in its grip.

From what I have read, Canadian children get a good public education....all over the country. That would be a good place to start in the USA.  What is it that we talk about equal opportunity and equality and start kids out with such unequal, haphazard, failing education in our poor sectors that a child knows from his first day of school that he is screwed? How can we hope to be a world leader when we allow this? And don't give me the old line about there not being enough money. It takes will power much more than money. Throwing money at problems very often doesn't solve anything.

Americans used to be famous for their 'can do' attitudes. Have we lost that? Why don't we start a few wars in our country? We could have war on poverty, a war on obesity, a war on preventable diseases, a war on ignorance, a war on depression, a war on abuse, a war on bad food, a war on homelessness, a war on pollution. There are so many ways we could use our righteousness and energy behind something we could export with pride.

I need to take my hand out from the government, my $530 a month, of social security benefit, and find a way to give back because I have my own social security; my friends and family and education and health and literacy and great looks. These things I can count on. But many of us didn't come from solid middle class backgrounds. Many more every day, sadly. What can they count on?


  1. 'Are we going to be like the addict...'
    There is a full fledged global currency war going on now. The faster you debase, the more of a short term rush/benefit you get. Enjoy your $530 a month while it still buys something.
    Education seems worthwhile as it may be an investment that pays dividends beyond the present currency regime.

  2. I like the previous comment. I was considering buying in to a network marketing company. I'd buy about 700$ worth of product, then give people samples, and encourage them to not only buy the product, but sell it too, so I would get commission on their sales, i.e. residual income. I don't think I'm going to do it though, because I think investing that 700 dollars in learning a skill or trade (I'm thinking acupressure, or martial arts, automotive or culinary training) might be better, because they'd still be valued 'beyond the present currency regime'/////
    While face cream (or any product) might not be. Does that make sense to anyone? That a service might still be valued, while products, especially high end luxury products, would not be?
    I am really at a loss financially.
