Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is it time to brng out the sedition laws?

The hatred that is coming from the Tea Party, Fox News and the so called Christian far right seems to be so anti-government, so anti-Obama that it seems to me to be verging on sedition. When does free speech become trying to over throw a government? The spokespersons are upping the rhetoric. They don't seem to 'get' that they really lost the election, that the idea of a democracy is that whoever wins is the winner, that we are supposed to be the country founded on brotherly love, and that Jesus never ever called for murder as an answer to anything.

When I heard Glen Beck, sweating and screaming about his perception of immigration problems in Arizona and he shrieked into the camera that someone who loves Jesus has to do Jesus' will and kill the politicians who don't hate 'illegals', I almost got sick to my stomach. I did get sick when Gabrielle Giffords was shot soon after. Was that sedition?

I used to laugh at the Sarah Palins. Now, I am no longer laughing. Maybe partition is the only answer. Let's give them Texas. No, seriously, a mob has become whipped up and I have a feeling that it has become something different. I would like to see people who love their country work together to make it all better, make it all work, make it all worth the good name we once had. I also think that if TV personalities, ministers, and fickle politicians need to be held responsible for what they are creating. We know from history that class warfare doesn't solve much. It just makes a whole new bunch of problems.

Maybe you have to be a bit insane to even care. I think it is time to go back to a discussion of karma again.  Everything we do for the good or for the dark side will have an effect on us. Everything has a cause and everything has an effect. Are we ready for the karma of our foreign policy?  Heavy thought.

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