When I went to pay my bill, my wallet was missing. When I called the cops and reported the theft, they said that was a most popular place for theft. The reason was because people who ate in that neighborhood tended to have a lot of money. Duh. The police informed me that the method was that, because most women put their purses on the floor, the thieves wore black pants and white shirts to look like waiters and then they would drop a napkin on the floor next to the purse and then bend over to retrieve it and reach into the purse and take the wallet.
As soon as the cop told me that, I remembered the 'waiter' doing exactly that. I called the credit card company and the thief was already using my card. They told me to go to the station and make a police report. I asked the cop on the phone why they didn't police the area or have signs posted. I had, after all been so careful on my travels carrying plane tickets and credit cards and travelers checks. (the good old days) The cop said they couldn't be bothered. I took it to mean that the customers were rich so who cares. As anyone knows it is a royal pain in the ass to lose it all. Thank goodness Susan was still with me. I had to borrow money for the parking garage and the tolls to get home.
I went to the main Boston police station and it was crazy. There was so much going on and it was loud and rough and I felt that my problem was pretty minor. It was. Soon a cop came to take my report and he was pretty drunk. He fumbled the report so badly that I finally said, "Thanks, I gotta go."
Most of my other experiences with the police had to do with protests gone funky in the good old days. I was always treated well, except for the problem of tear gas. I am afraid of guns. When I was stopped for speeding in California a few years ago, I was in the middle of nowhere. This big red faced cop standing next to my car with his big gun a the level of my eyes really intimidated me. Probably a good thing because might have mouthed off an made myself trouble.
Do I trust cops? I guess I use the same intuition that I use to decide whether I trust anyone. I trust some and not others.
The following article shocked me dreadfully. Ashland, Oregon is a sweet oasis in the middle of red neck country. This makes me slightly afraid for our state of the nation.
Police Chief: “We’re gonna give two to Nancy [Pelosi], then we’re gonna put two in her face.”
A Schuylkill County (Pennsylvania) police chief is making national news for his videos that seemingly encourage people to shoot U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Gilberton (PA) Police Chief Mark Kessler also calls his political opponents “libtards,” who should “go f*** yourselves.”
This outrageous behavior should result in his immediate firing. It is obvious that a person like this cannot objectively carry out his duties.
So what is the reaction of the mayor of Gilberton? She says it’s a free speech issue and she won’t stop him. Her reaction is almost as outrageous as Kessler’s comments.
Write to Mayor Mary Lou Hannon and the Gilberton Borough Council. Tell them to fire Kessler today. He obviously lacks the temperament, levelheadedness and objectiveness that any law enforcement office needs. He is clearly unable to protect people who disagree with him. He needs to be removed from his position immediately.
Here’s a summary of his recent videos:
In a video that has received wide attention, police chief Mark Kessler repeatedly tells those upset by his use of profanity to “go f*ck yourself” as he fires various automatic weapons.
Mayor Mary Lou Hannon told The Morning Call that Kessler had the right to express himself. The city would “not take action to quash free speech, whether or not each member of council or any member of council agrees with it.”
Kessler has uploaded several profanity-laced videos to YouTube. In one video, Kessler berates “libtards” and warns of an armed rebellion against the government.
“F*ck all you libtards out there, as a matter of fact, read my shirt,” he says, turning around to show a message on his back which read, “Liberals take it in the a**.”
“You take it in the a** and I don’t give a f*ck what you say so you can all just go f*ck yourselves. Period. I wont be going to D.C. and I don’t give a f*ck. If you f*cking maniacs want to turn this into an armed revolt, knock yourselves out. I’m not about that, so see you on the other side.”
In a video on basic pistol defense, Kessler repeatedly shoots a picture of scary clown, which he says is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). He calls Secretary of State John Kerry a “c*cksucker” in another video before firing off an automatic weapon. (Thanks to Susie Madrak, writing atCrooks and Liars)
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