Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Arrival (exit the magical mystery tour)

At the point I left off yesterday, we were almost half way through our 5 hour trip up Route 5 in Oregon. Charlotte (the French woman), Wisconsin (her friend), Dewey (the driver), and I (prim and proper older woman) had stopped yet again for Dewey to make his tea. We had all watched as the tea leaves turned water into tea!!!! Will miracles never cease? As we got back onto the road, we stopped chanting for rain for some reason and instead took some long stretch to give thanks for the rain.

Charlotte saw several rainbows. This again was a miracle we wondered at because there were no rainbows, there was no rain. But then she said she had learned a lot about astral projection recently so we kind of had to assume she was somewhere else when she saw the rainbows. Then we had a few blessed moments of quiet praise or maybe just quiet, when Wisconsin proclaimed that crystals gave off energy. This new bit of news gave birth to a lot of talk with the girls deciding that the goddess lived in crystals. Dewey tried to enter the conversation of few times with a few good stories, but the eruptions of giggles and bursting into song from the back seat kind of drowned him out.

Somehow, the levity of the women and the ridiculousness of their banter made this all alright. I can't explain it. Then Charlotte mentioned that she was supposed to be in Montreal, Canada the next day at 6 to meet her parents. "I suppose I will be there" she said. Wisconsin said she was going to British Columbia to the world Rainbow gathering. I asked whether she had been to such a gathering before and she had not.Then Charlotte said that she wanted to go also. "We can sing and heal everybody and it will be heaven." Wisconsin said that we are already in heaven. Dewey said that his shoulder was better.

By then we were an hour from our destination. Dewey asked the women where they needed to be dropped off. They talked for a minute and said they were staying with a friend, could they use Dewey's phone to call their friend? A big scramble to find the number and then a call which almost slightly saddened them when the 'friend' said it was not possible for them to stay with him. Then they perked up because they remembered another Portland person. They called this woman and got an answering machine. Now it was 10 on a Monday night and they had no where to go. Dewey asked them where he should let them off and they said, "Oh anywhere." Miracles happen."

A miracle happened almost immediately when Dewey said that if they had no place to go they could sleep at his house and meet his puppy. Squeals and shrieks emanated from the back seat. "See Dewey, things always work out." Chants of thanksgiving in Sanskrit followed. Then Wisconsin asked Dewey if he had ever been to a Rainbow gathering and whether he liked BC. I wondered out loud how many hours it would take to get to Montreal and then back to BC. Dewey turned to me and said "put me on speed dial and I will keep you updated." I'm in. This was too great to miss.

The thing is that it was great fun. The mood never faltered from fun, delight, amusement and easy camaraderie. As far as I could figure there were no drugs involved. Everyone was harmless. Life was all good. How can you beat that?

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