Saturday, November 23, 2013

Monks Chat Club

I went back to the Monks Chat Club (that really is the name!) today and met a very wise 21 year old. Seems strange to me to sit at the feet of a youngster while he casts pearls of wisdom to me. It is very hard not to hug these sweet boys because our moments together are so intimate.. that is to say, I felt like he was seeing the real me. But a woman can not hug a monk. (I guess the Dalai Lama is in a different category. He is a big old huger. He hugs with his arms, but he also hugs with his smile. The champion.)
Some monks can't even put those bracelets they bless at the temples onto a woman's wrist. Some lay person has to do it. It kind of makes you feel weird until you realize what they are sacrificing to keep their vows. Cool.

This club is at a huge temple, off in a little garden. Today's guy was on vacation and doing this because it gives him pleasure. He talked about compassion, not worrying about the past or the future, and being content. I said that it is hard for me not to judge people. He said, "It is hard." I said that I do it often even when I have no idea I am doing it. He said, "Yes, it is hard not to. So, don't judge." I said that what I mean is that judgements come even when I don't know they are coming. They are very sneaky, slipery things. He said, "Don't judge others."

Was I looking for some absolution or forgiveness from him? I already got all that from the mass at the end of the Camino. I said my penance and got my absolution. Done. What was I after from this dude? Then I got it. He was back to his thing about the present moment. I was hammering on about an old habit. He was telling me to stay in the now. God, this stuff is so subtle. I was forcing him to hit me over the head by repeating himself.

When I had my moment of self-realization, he saw it in my eyes and we had a good laugh. I like being outsmarted. Our laughter was fully in the present moment.

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