Tuesday, May 8, 2012


We think we are so dialed in about our technology, especially cars. I think that it won't be long before our automobile age is the laughing stock of the world. Think about it. To make these huge clunky machines we need natural resources from all over the planet. We mostly use a hundred year- old idea, the internal combustion engine, and materials from all over the planet, and boring repetitive man hours to make ugly, stupid, polluting cars. Then we pave the ground, cut huge monster roadways through wherever, sit for hours at a time, kill each other in accidents, spend shitloads of money on insurance and the cars themselves. When they no longer function, we have mountains of old steel, plastic, batteries, wires, tires, and computer parts to get rid of.

Not to mention the elephant in the room - the fuel needed to accomplish this. So, we go half way around the world to drill deep into the earth, to suck up oil, then pipe it to ports, then use more fuel to ship it around the globe, then pipe it into refineries, then make horrible chemical smog and smut to make it into gasoline, then put it into tankers and take them by rail or truck to gas stations all over the place and then pump it into tanks, and then pump it out of tanks into cars which then burn it to drive the big expensive piece of-soon to be-trash on often busy, overcrowded, ugly roads.

Not to mention my personal worry that if we vacate a layer of ancient earth by removing the oil, don't we leave a vacuum, a gap, a space that will want to settle down - like by an earthquake? Nature abhors a vacuum.

I don't get this. It seems to me that we are using Cro-Magnon thinking to solve the problem of getting around. And the new, energy efficient cars are still going to be a heap of trash soon. I think even the idea of renew, re-use, recycle, is a concept that allows us not to solve problems. There is still the pile of plastic, wires, and batteries at the end of use. Why can't we imagine a world where there is a more elegant, light-filled, healthy, eco-friendly  way to get around? Like psychic projection. You get me. Real, down to earth, practical, conservative, ideas are needed. Conserving the planet and our health: that would be a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. Earthquakes hmmm
