Saturday, February 9, 2013

I can't believe we are even having these discussions!!!

We are having discussions about whether it is all right to assassinate Americans in the USA, about abortion, about whether Obama was born in the USA, about who it is OK to kill with drones in countries we are not at war with, about how proud we are of Obama for killing Bin Laden. We spend more money on our military than all the other countries in the world put together. We ARE the killing country. We have proportionately more people in jail than any other country. We kill school kids, we kill cops, we kill any one anywhere whom we deign a terrorist or a son of or a cousin of or a next door neighbor of a terrorist.

Many of our citizens think we are a Christian nation. Why aren't we unsatisfied in our Christianity to be killers? No where is Christ ever reported to have said, "Go now and kill anyone who might be the enemy of the day." Nelson Mandala was on Ronald Reagan's list of worst terrorists on the planet. Oops. I would venture to guess who most of the world thinks of as the biggest bully and most bewildering nation on the planet. We do not practice what we preach.

Half of our country still thinks we were bombed on 9/11. Bombed? Half of the country thinks capitalism and democracy are the same thing. Some of our country thinks we are the only democracy in the world. Some of our people can't read and write. Many of our children go to bed hungry. Homeless kids sleeping in cars in the winter struggle to go to school. If it weren't for how hurtful this is, it would be have to be looked at as a joke. You couldn't invent something like this in a novel and get anyone to read it. Too far out.

We are so rich and yet we have failing schools all over the country. We have failing health care everywhere. We have a failing criminal justice system. We have a CIA that kills and tortures people and starts unrest in other countries that leads to thousands of people dying. We have the biggest baddest killing machines ever imagined all over the planet and in our own homes. Think about it when you listen to the unholy, ungodly things we are discussing as if we are talking about buying a new car. "And whom do you think we should kill this week?"

Who are we? I'd love to hear from some of my readers in other countries. How do we look from outside? Do we ever consider doing unto others as we would have them do unto us? How many countries have we ravaged in the past 50 years? A lot. How can sane people be having the discussions that we are? We know we can kill anyone anywhere anytime because we do it.


  1. 'We are so rich'?
    47 million Americans on food stamps.
    2.5 million in jail.
    54 million on social security (a few of whom are rich)
    16 trillion in debt (

    democracy, that's archaic, like privacy right?

  2. Watch "The Lorax" - great movie. One funny part: when the corporate bigwig character tells the kids that photosynthesis is a made-up word.
