Saturday, December 7, 2013

So What Happened to Falling in Love?

I know that I have probably hit on this subject before but it came up today when I saw a couple together who were obviously, hopelessly, madly in love with each other. So cool. His eyes followed her every move , enraptured by her every gesture. She looked at him adoringly, couldn't keep from smiling. It sounds like a two- bit romance. It was actually gorgeous.

It made me realize how long it has been since I have heard someone say that they were "in love'. In Love. I mostly hear people talking about relationships. "Working on their relationship" is even more common. "Evaluating their relationship." Shit, I have a 'relationship' with my phone company. I have a 'relationship' with the food I eat. I don't want to have a 'relationship' with a guy I go out with. I am a romantic. I have had that kind of love where your heart pounds, where you can't catch your breath, where your brain turns to mush. I like that feeling. I am sad for those who haven't had it. It is not only about mating kinds of experiences. It can happen when you meet your new baby, when a child looks into your eyes and gives you her soul, when you meet the Dalai Lama. Pure, crazy, knock your socks off love.

And it is crazy and it is scary and you can get hurt big time. And so what? If we spend our lives not getting hurt, are we missing the big gold ring at the merry-go-round? You understand, of course, that I am not talking about perversions of this: "I love you, you're mine." kind of stuff. I am talking about opening the heart and 'seeing' someone else. It is fun. Try it again if you have forgotten what it feels like. I was inspired by that couple this morning. yes, I was.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds just fine to me! I LOVE being "in love"….mos def!
