Saturday, August 2, 2014

Simple Karma - Difficult Change - Si se Puede

So, here's the thing: It seems like every time I find a perfect moment here in Marin, it is instantly interrupted by the grating, disturbing noise of a leaf blower or a hedge trimmer. Poor me. I am not saying occasionally I am interrupted, I am saying almost every time. I think the little yard next door gets trimmed about five times a day. No shit!

So, at first I decided that I wasn't choosing my spots very well. I tried different locations. Have you ever noticed how much noise a garbage truck can make? Astounding. Then I realized this problem was happening at other locations. No matter how much strategy I employed, at church or Buddhist meditation or in business meetings, I invariably have someone sit next to me who is coughing, chewing, muttering trying to get a wrapper off of something. It drives me crazy.

I am forced to think about my karma in this. I say forced because I have finally given up on blaming others. This is my problem. What then is the karmic cause for being disturbed by noise when I seek peace and quiet? I must be making noise which disturbs others. Everything has a cause. Everything has an effect.

Well, yes. The downstairs condo lady says our heavy foot steps bother her. I have been trying to remember to tiptoe around in the morning and evening. But, it has to be more than that. In the Catholic doctrine, a sin can be committed in thought, word or deed. Bingo! There it is. The noise I generate by thinking and speaking criticisms of others is enough racket to cause a lot of trouble.

We educated, hip, modern souls learned the lessons of critical thinking very well. We can rip apart a book or a movie or a policy or a person with elegant logic and articulate another persons faults with remarkable precision. This is the noise that I contribute to the world. The world gives back in good measure.

This is yet another task I must practice. If I want peace and quiet, I must first live it. I have to set up the causes which will reward me with what I want. Right now I am the biggest loser in this conflict.

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