Friday, January 16, 2015

Do you ever forget to star in your own movie?

I met a man at a party last night who is clearly the star in his own movie. He had that certain, je ne sais quoi, that great people famous or hidden all seem to have. In this case he was handsome, rich, funny, and seemed to be full of himself in a good way. No, I am not in crush. I fall for mostly priests and monks. I really do. I rather like the more anonymous men, those dedicated to a 'higher' calling. I am not talking about self righteous do gooders. For instance, I think the Dalai Lama is one of the sexiest men alive.

I like people who are not floundering about their identity and wondering what the meaning of this life is. I think that is alluring. I don't often get my man.Well, that might be an understatement. The thing is that if I can captivate a man's interest, my interest dwindles. Dr. Freud, are you having fun yet?

I don't know why I am going on about this except this man, William made a very strong impression. He was captivating to talk with because he put the focus on the other person, listening as though the whole world depended on the other. Really, I was watching. Whether he is an ass hole or a drug dealer or just a charming man, he reminded me that it is much more appealing to be fully in the moment and put your best foot forward. This sounds dumb like a hackneyed old line from "How to Win Friends and Influence People" but what I experienced and watched other experience was that he seemed to bring out the best in other people. That is cool. You didn't really want to whine about your septic system in that context. And believe me, I have been to expat parties where whining was the sport of the day.

I might be giving this William a lot more credit than he deserves. There were a lot of utterly accomplished people from many countries at this gathering. There was a good purpose to the party. These people are working to get the electric transformers covered so that hundreds of monkeys don't get electrocuted every year. Dude.

But I am grateful that I was reminded that we are not only the star, but the writer, producer, director of our lives. I can't control anything, that is obvious. If I could there would be no GMO foods, no wars, no sick people.  But, I can eliminate scenes that don't serve. I can choose the tone. I can invite great people in.  I can do better.

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