Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bold New Theory....the NRA...

OK, I can modestly say that I am almost 100% right about this kind of thing. I can immodestly say that being right has pretty much never helped change things in a good way.

Here goes. This morning I read a report or heard it on Democracy Now! that after very aggressively opposing the government on the same issue, the NRA has (is) compiling its own list of all gun owners in the USA.

Here is how this could come down. They are putting together a militia that they can call on when they decide it is righteous to do so. After hanging out with that bunch of Tea Party Texans in Nicaragua and hearing all their jabber about how much they HATE the government of the USA and HATE Obama and HATE anyone telling them what to do (as if their goal isn't to tell us all what to do right down to and including our vaginas), and how this and that person should be shot and how immigrants are ripping us off of all the wonderful jobs that we crave, and on and on, I am certain that there is a bigger plan. They are acting like dumb rednecks while making very significant moves.

I don't like it at all. We watch the killing of blacks by police, by watchdogs, and we have killing militias roaming around the Rio Grande killing people trying to come here. I suspect there is a bigger plan here. I think the collecting of this information while blocking the government from doing so is just one step towards some actions that could really bring drastic harm to us and to the world.

These are the same people who talk about "nuking the rag heads", who kill gays, who were lynching blacks a few years back. It is not a pretty picture.

I have no idea what can be done if what I fear is true. I only know that we can't sit back and think any of this is random or could be without consequence. I feel that if we think Manning and Snowden are treasonous, we should look very carefully at people who want to overthrow our government and talk about it publicly and are collecting the means.

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