Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kudos to the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement.

I do understand that a great number of things can change in an election cycle, but the popularity of Trump and Sanders at this point in time is kind of a seismic shift. Kudos to the Tea Party and to the Occupy movement, I think.

Many people in both parties seem to be resonating with the gritty integrity of these two candidates. They don't appear to be beholding to 'the parties'. The Republicans seem to be excited that racism and greed can finally be out in the open. Sanders Democrats are excited that a candidate is not hedging on traditional biases, and probably hitting every point of the Occupy demands. People in both ( Why this stupid two party system? I will never understand. We deserve 10 parties at least.) parties want the gloves off.

I felt resentment that Hillary was the anointed candidate. I know republicans who felt the same about the Jeb campaign. I registered as a Democrat so I could vote in the primaries. (How stupid is that necessity?), but the opening salvos of the Hillary launch felt like, "OK folks, you may have your own thoughts about war and Monsanto and WalMart, but we have calculated things and have chosen the only candidate who can win. I didn't sign up for that. Sanders is at least interesting.

It looks the same in the Trump campaign. There may be other candidates who will court the Latino votes, who know how to change their message depending on their audience but this guy has the white man bully factor that resonated over the prepackaged image consultants voices.

I do understand that anything can change. We could get attacked and then Sanders could look wrong. Trump could have some fine Sarah Palin moments that would freak out the most ardent supporters. Anything is possible and probable. But it is fun to see candidates being themselves and to see the scrambling going on on both sides with the consultants having some real challenges.

I do have feelings that the primary side show can't eradicate. The sad thing to me is that our country is so divided. President Lincoln had some strong thoughts on this subject and the resulting Civil War was tragic. I hope it doesn't come to that in my lifetime. We seem to have no uniting idea of what it means to be a citizen of the USA.

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