Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I started this Blog, it was with the idea that you might have some questions and I might have some thoughts, opinions, knowledge, stories to share with you in response to your questions.

I used to love how Agatha Christie's Miss Marple solved her mysteries by thinking of a person she knew who was a dead ringer for one of the suspects and then projecting the behavior of the suspect based on the behavior of the person she knew. Whew! Where that is supposed to be going is that I can often think of a story from my experience that might illuminate some question or concern you might be carrying. A pedagogical story, so to speak. It is our humanity that is our common ground.

You can write questions anonymously on the 'comment' section of the Blog or email them to me at

1 comment:

  1. First, a comment. Your series of blogs strike me where I live. Second, a question. What is LOVE ? Animal, mineral, or spirit? Lastly I will fill out my question on email to you. And thanks for your input the second time.
