Thursday, June 7, 2012

'Bucket List'

For those of you from different countries, reading this in different languages, who may not have seen the Jack Nicholson movie, we Americans of the English speaking persuasion have an expression:"to kick the bucket" which means to drop dead. So, a 'Bucket List' is the stuff you want to do before you drop dead. In the movie, the guys knew how long they had to live. Some of us don't know this yet.

My 'theory' at the moment is to get through my list as fast as I can. This doesn't mean that I think I am going to die soon. I am just in the mood for seizing the day. Carpe Diem. But the deal with me is that when I was stuck between the bookends of life, had commitments, responsibilities, and such I had loads of thoughts about what I would do if I had the time, the freedom, the where-with-all.

I wanted to walk the Camino, I want to go to Bolivia and go to the place where Che Guevarra was killed. I want to go to Darmasala, India when the Dalai Lama is in residence. So, I went to Nicaragua and now I am planning to go to Thailand. What's up with that?

I think what I am truly excited by is meeting more people. Hanging out with new and old friends, hearing what people are thinking about and caring about, mixing it up a bit. But it has to be more than that. I could do that at the local gas station, or store. I want to challenge myself, push boundaries, get comfortable in the unknown, feel the energies in different places, expand. So, I suppose I have to bungee jump and see the Grand Canyon and have a torrid affair. Dios mio! this is starting to sound like work.

1 comment:

  1. dont bungee jump........ Thailand sounds good. Sounds ike India should follow that. <3
