Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Down's Syndrome Brother

My brother John has Down's syndrome. He is 62 years old, at least something like that. The other night I had a dream in which I saw John without the Down's Syndrome. He was tall and handsome and had a very strong presence, like a leader, a chief exec. As I awoke, I had no doubt that it was an essential John whom I had seen.

My friend Mamadou from Senegal told me not to dwell on that image. I am not. Mamadou said that John made his choice in this incarnation to come with his handicap and I shouldn't muck about with it because I could change it and cause some trouble in someone's life. Whoa! I kind of get this because of who John is.

Imagine having a family member who is always happy to see each and every person in the family. Imagine always getting a full on smile when you see someone. John carries not grudges. He lives completely in the present moment. He accepts whatever is happening. He was extremely close to our father. He imitated my father's walk and talk. He crossed his legs when my father did. When “Father”, as John called him, died, John had a smile. “Are you OK, John?” I asked. “Yes”, was the reply. “Father is happy in heaven.” 
We, of course, were thinking about how much we would miss our Dad. John wasn't thinking of himself at all. I watch this when I am with John and I am inspired. Our teachers come in all shapes and sizes. I can't imagine a world without the beautiful Down's Syndrome kids in it. I think we need them on this planet to show us some spiritual qualities, like living in the moment, total acceptance, joy in everything. 

Thanks, John.

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