Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lose Weight Fast

There are several unpleasant ways to lose weight fast. The worst, I think, is cancer.  A pretty terrible runner up is  the broken heart diet. Before the bad teeth diet comes the "Julie Pierce lose weight fast simple kit diet".

This kit will sent your an ounce of water from any random well in El Salvador, or perhaps India. The other offering in the kit is a nice package with 20 CIPRO tablets. The idea is that you drink the water, get sick as a dog with amoebas or other flavors of dysentery and when you have lost all the weight you want, you take the CIPRO or FLAGYL and get better.  You don't mind the dieting phase very much because you are too sick to eat in any case.

Almost two years ago I was in the Houston Airport, USA returning from Nicaragua. I had a painfully long layover, maybe 5 or 6 hours. I, of course, had a book, and I also had the company of my son. No matter, I was in one of those airport fogs, sort of staring at the people walking by. The airport was extremely crowded and thousands of people walked by. Mostly they were well dressed. Mostly they were in a well functioning machine. There was no drama at the airport that day. But mostly they were all huge.

I don't mean round, or chunky, or heavy, or soft or all those medium states. I mean huge. Huge babies, huge old folks, huge teenagers and huge all the rest.

I got to thinking that I, myself, was not huge, but I was definitely big. I was bigger than I had ever been. I thought about this and realized that I was just on the edge of the "I don't give a shit" moment when I could head for really big, or huge. I had gotten to the place wherein if I had a cookie, I might as well have a few. If I cracked a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, what was left seemed like too little to put back in the freezer, so I might as well eat the whole pint. My weight was up there. The 'normal' range in the official medical charts was looking silly. Who on earth weighs 125 at 5feet 5 1/2 inches? Not many of my friends.

My epiphany was that every single one of those really fat people walking by me must have had some moment when they kind of gave up. When it seemed like not such a bad idea to eat the whole big bag of chips and those tiny little bags looked silly.

I freaked out.

There I was at that moment. my freak out gave me a clarity that gave me the whatever to lose 45 or something pounds over the next year and a half. Painlessly. I have no discipline about watching over all my calories or changing my diet so I decided to just eat less and amp up my exercise. I eat health foods, by and large. I eat organic. I have been a vegetarian for 35 years. But however good my food is. I was eating too much. I love talking walks, so I lengthened my walks and added swimming on a more regular basis.

I don't know by what grace of God I was in that Houston Airport. I do know that my time was up and I was on the verge of needing to resort to the El Salvador kit. I guess I will do anything to avoid pain.

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