Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Mother Mary Come to ME, Speaking Words of Wisdom

Let it Be, Let it Be, Let it Be, Let it Be..."

OK, What was Lennon talking about? I hear these words in my head some days. Well, today I heard them on a sound system and that reminded me that I hear them in my head often. Mother Mary was a big deal for my mother. She was Irish Catholic from around Boston, MA, USA and her mother prayed often, daily, to the Blessed Mother.

Ma had reproductions of paintings by the Masters of Mother and Child. She also bought paintings of women with babies and called them her 'Madonnas'. She was like that. The story she told me when she was old, that I related at her funeral, went like this: When she was very young, age four, Dr. Uniac, who lived across the street, came to her house to take out the kids' tonsils. Mother was the youngest and therefore the last of the four kids to be put on the kitchen table for the operation. After watching her brothers and sister have their surgery, she was petrified. Her mother told her to go into the living room, go down on her knees and ask the Blessed Virgin to take care of her. She did so. She was filled with calm, and marched back in the room and got on the table for her operation.

I love the faith my grandmother had. I love the faith my mother had. I love the blessing that she received for her faith and the fact that she remembered that feeling 80 years later. I don't think that was exactly what John Lennon was singing about, but that is what I am reminded of when I hear his song.

I have had a few such moments in my life. One was when I was standing near a tree on a freezing winter night in New Hampshire experiencing great despair and I felt arms surrounding me and a feeling of being taken care of over came me. Funny, I can't remember what my big problem was, but I remember the feeling of unconditional love that soothed me.

I find myself thinking of the Virgin Mary when I am worried about my kids. I find that if I really get quiet and connect with her spirit, I feel the loving arms of a mother around me. Then, for the blessed moment, I can "Let it Be."


  1. Sharing this moment with you, your mom and all good memories that live on forever in the hearts of the ever faith-full. Today I got to feel those loving arms come through to a client and watched her bathe in the light of the love that was reaching out to her...Lovely. Hugs form AU:)

  2. Julie, This reminds me of the time I was sleeping on an underpass on the side of I 680 or was it the 580 - I can't remember but a big freeway. My boyfriend and I had been sleeping in my honda civic for days and it had gotten too tight.
    I was scared, and them Amma the hugging guru spoke to me, clearly, loudly, audibly, etc etc I felt her presence completely. She said, "I'm here, my child. You are fine, you are safe, I'm here with you. Go to sleep." And I did.
