Sunday, July 21, 2013


I was randomly looking through free youtube meditation videos yesterday. A friend had called and needed a meditation to take to her women's group. I found a few and tried a few. By then it was too late for my friend, but I was having fun. I think it was a pretty scientific endeavor. Testing for blast off.

I tried a few nice ones. I rejected a few weird ones. You just want to be careful about opening yourself to some people's inner core. There are a lot of weird people and trips out there. But, I trust myself. I stopped at the first indication that it was not a place I wanted to go or a person I wanted to be with. Some could be rejected instantly. Creepy voice or overdone promises or "You can reach enlightenment if you send money." My search was, after all, for free meditation downloads.

I don't know any Sanskrit except a few words like "OM". But, I trust Deepak Chopra. I did a 16 minute meditation that he had posted. I trusted that the Sanskrit mantra he gave was saying something nice or profound. With my iphone next to me, I went very far away and felt profoundly rested and renewed. Thank you D.

I am sharing this because I sometimes get the impression that many of us make too much of the question of how to meditate and some of us make too big a deal about where and when and how long and what outer conditions. Some or all of this can be important in a practice, but if it is getting in the way of just dropping into that meditative place, if it is giving you reasons not to meditate or if it is making you self critical "I'm not very good at meditating." then maybe it is time to lighten up and enjoy yourself. I think a good moment of meditation that brings a smile to your lips or a lift in your heart is worth its weight in gold.

My message today is "Lighten up!" Bring some light into your heart. It is not hard. Namaste.

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