Tuesday, July 2, 2013

So, ask away.

My TV show was called "Ask Julie" and we got some mighty interesting questions. I never run out of stuff to gab about, but it is also surprising and fun to hear your questions and concerns. In the lead in to "Ask Julie", I said that I had a lot of thoughts, opinions, experience, education, some insight and intuition, and strong feelings. Who better to ask? At least you won't have to wonder what I am really thinking. I say it like I see it.

A telephone business I had wanted to create at one stage in my life was going to be called 1-800-ICONFESS. I had/have a strong sense that many of us carry around heavy burdens that need to be spoken and forgiven to release us. I have previously told you that guilt isn't one of the emotions that I suffer much from. But I am human, so I have a bit. Have you ever felt badly about something and then, much later, apologized for it only to find out that it was nothing to the other person? "I didn't even notice that." The sense of relief is enormous.

But there is a further thing that happens. I know this from going to confession in the Catholic Church when I was young and again on the Camino in Santiago de Campostella. When you hear the words "Your sins are forgiven, go now and sin no more.", you have this washed feeling. It used to happen to me even when I couldn't think of any 'sins' I had made and had to make up, "I fought with my brother two times."

Who am I to forgive anyone anything? We were taught that God is everywhere. So, if that is the truth, I am God, not to put too fine a point on it.

With that said, You can post anonymously either a question for Ask Julie or an ICONFESS and I will be happy to give you my best shot. Peace be with you.

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