Friday, October 19, 2012

Another apology to my readers.

Many of my readers don't live in the US. To you I apologize for my US centric focus on our stupid elections. Anyone who is awake at all has gathered by now that we have a very sketchy so-called democratic so-called system here in the USofA. Every state and in some states, every town, has different rules and regulations about who can vote and when and how. Then our votes get lost in the electoral college thing. Then, if things are too fuzzy, the Supreme Court gets the final vote. There it just takes 5 votes to win the US presidency.

If that is not confusing enough, our two parties, comprising the ruling plutocracy, can decide who will be the candidates. No primary voting for Obama this time around. They can also decide who gets to show up on the debates. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate was arrested trying to enter the Presidential Debate last week. Flashback to Ralph Nader.

Then there is the funding issue. A huge embarrassing mess. Who could possibly sort this out. Funds from other countries, bribes, lobbies, pressure from corporations on their employees, non-profit churches telling their congregations how to vote. Shit, it is so deep in corruption that it makes a country like Mexico look sane regarding their elections.

But still... the sad thing is that our election games here have profound effects all over the world. I am sorry that our corruption and ignorance effects so many of you in so many countries in so many ways. Really, I am sorry and ashamed.

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