Saturday, November 17, 2012

Frustrated in Nicaragua

Spent a good a good deal of effort today arranging my internet and it doesn't work. And it is Saturday. And nothing is open on a Sunday. Thankfully, they still have internet cafes here because not everyone has an iphone yet. There is a bit of an epidemic of Dengue Fever here, and I have had a fever. The thing is you can harm yourself if you have Dengue and take tylenol and that kind of stuff. But the other thing is that I had a little fever and the Dengue people look really sick. So, I am taking aspirina and rolling the dice. I am such a wild child.

The  German economy must still be good because this town is overrun with spendy Germans. I also noticed that the surfers are well-heeled this year, staying at very fancy hotels. That didn't used to be the case here. Aside from that fascinating pierce of news, the weather is perfect.

There was a funeral of a very wealthy Nicaraguan the other day and aside from his famous family, he was also the head of the firemen. So many sirens. Such a huge precession. So many tinted window SUVs. They had such a procession that they re-routed the one way streets. As a result of that, one man was killed crashing into a fire truck and a woman on a moto broke her leg hitting the procession. More business for everyone. I live in a town of 100,000 people without a stop light. Think about it.

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