Thursday, September 19, 2013

Get rid of the Second Amendment, just get rid of it.

Following my belief that we are making no progress tinkering with systems that do not work, I think it is time for some stand up radical action. We can spend the next twenty years farting around and talking about what the signers of the constitution meant by the Second Amendment. We can do that and cry crocodile tears at every mass shooting spree and every individual shooting in our country. We can talk about whether the Founding Fathers meant for excessive ammunition to be kept in arsenals or under the bed. We can wonder whether they imagined the killing machines now available to virtually anyone, healthy or sick, to shoot anyone they feel like for any reason their twisted minds picture. We can talk about the number of fucked up soldiers and mercenaries ticking around like time bombs. We can realize the amount of appeasing and lobbying affecting our congress.

Or maybe we could repeal the Second Amendment, admitting that it is no longer serving us. We could ban all those ugly stupid cowardly guns that are all over our country and being used for senseless, ugly horrific murders.

Where is our courage? Who are we? I know a mentally unstable, alcoholic, angry, cowardly man who has enough legal guns to take out a small town. There is no record of his mental problems anywhere. How many such people are there in this vast country. I have known Vets who don't remember what they do when they are having flash backs. Some of you must know blind people who carry guns. Starbucks made an interesting stand yesterday asking patrons not to bring guns into their shops. Yea.

In El Salvador during the troubles, night clubs and banks and even some hotels had receptacles near the front doors where they had patrons throw their guns when they came in. Some people would take one gun from their coat pocket, one from their ankle, and one from a shoulder holster. Many of these men were mercenaries from the USA. There was a ton of violence. The Wild West.  Are we that now? It would seem so. And we are able to buy and carry weapons that most armies in the world only dream of.

Yelling for rights and not ensuring responsibilities is stupid. Are we the famous nation known mostly for its violence and its inability to solve problems? I think so. Get rid of the Second Amendment and start fresh. That is my opinion. Our current stance is not only stupid, it is boring.

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