Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama's Little Talk

This list is incomplete as I erased a few wars by accident. El Salvador is one. These are wars in which US soldiers were killed. They do not count our dirty wars where the CIA and mercenaries have overthrown governments such as Chile, Guatemala, Indonesia and so on. They don't count recent drone wars on Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia and so forth. Proxy wars backed by us are rampant. How about Israel and Pakistan? Random nations such as Cuba have not only been attacked, but economic warfare has been conducted against them. When Obama was making his speech the other night, I found it very hard to believe than anyone could listen with a straight face, unless, of course, they had been the object of our actions, both overt and covert. Who are we? Who do we want to be? Where does all this power and money lead? What are we sacrificing at home to do this to the world and to ourselves? Obama's story doesn't match up with any look at our history. It is a very hard case to make that we are the eternal good guys. The rest of the world is not stupid. War or Conflict American Revolutionary War 1775–1783 Northwest Indian War 1785–1796 Quasi-War 1798–1800 First Barbary War 1801–1805 Other actions against pirates 1800–1900 Chesapeake–Leopard Affair 1807 War of 1812 1812–1815 Marquesas Expedition 1813–1814 Second Barbary War 1815 First Seminole War 1817–1818 First Sumatran Expedition 1832 Black Hawk War 1832 Second Seminole War 1835–1842 Mexican–American War 1846–1848 Cayuse War 1847-1856 Rogue River Wars 1851-1856 Yakima War 1855-1856 Third Seminole War 1855–1858 Coeur d'Alene War 1858 Civil War: 1861–1865 Dakota War of 1862 (Little Crow's War) 1862 Shimonoseki Straits 1863 Snake Indian War 1864–1868 Indian Wars 1865–1898 Red Cloud's War 1866–1868 Korea (Shinmiyangyo) 1871 Modoc War 1872–1873 Great Sioux War 1875–1877 Nez Perce War 1877 Bannock War 1878 Ute War 1879 Sheepeater Indian War 1879 Samoan crisis 1887-1889 Ghost Dance War 1890–1891 Sugar Point Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians Spanish–American War 1898 Philippine–American War 1898–1913 Boxer Rebellion 1900–1901 Santo Domingo Affair 1904 United States occupation of Nicaragua 1910, 1912-1925, 1927-1933 Mexican Revolution 1914–1919 Occupation of Haiti 1915–1934 World War I 1917–1918 North Russia Campaign 1918–1920 American Expeditionary Force Siberia 1918–1920 China 1918; 1921; 1926–1927; 1930; 1937 World War II 1941–1945 Greek Civil War 1944-1949 Chinese Civil War 1945–1950 Berlin Blockade 1948–1949 Korean War 1950–1953 U.S.S.R. Cold War 1947–1991 China Cold War 1950–1972 Vietnam War 1955–1975 1958 Lebanon crisis 1958 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961 Iran 1980 Beirut deployment 1982–1984 Invasion of Grenada 1983 1986 Bombing of Libya 1986 Invasion of Panama 1989 Gulf War 1990–1991 Operation Provide Comfort 1991-1996 Somalia 1992–1993 Haiti 1994–1995 Colombia 1994–present Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995–2004 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 1999 Afghanistan War 2001–present Iraq War 2003–2011 War on Terror 2001–present I apologize for the lack of format here. I can't seem to change it into paragraphs and a list.

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