Monday, January 27, 2014

Question! What does it mean to be an anthroposophist?

I have taught in a Waldorf school. I have studied Rudolf Steiner a bit at Emerson College, Sussex, England and some at the Waldorf Institute. But, I was asking myself what it would mean to call myself an anthroposophist. I call myself a Buddhist. For me that means I make my attempts to live with as much loving kindness as I can muster and I am so happy to hear words attributed to the Buddha. It is a path.

I was born a Catholic and have had some cool mystical experiences stimulated, I think, by my childhood teachings. I once called myself a Democrat but am no longer wishing to be that. I can not in good conscience be part of any war party.

The only card I have ever carried was as a member of Veterans for Peace. I am not a Vet, but they let me join. I really like what they stand for.

But would being an anthroposophist mean being a follower of Rudolf Steiner or a student of his words or would it mean being a spiritual scientist? Would that translate as "inspired by the example of RS?" or does one simple believe what he wrote? Is it a path or a religion or a club?

This is a real question. I am interested in your thoughts.

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