Saturday, September 22, 2012


I can not deny it any longer, I am sponge challenged. The proof of this has been presented to me for years. Now I see the light. My patient teachers have run out of patience with my denials. My closest critics, my three children have had to get together and make a united front to make the case that would finally get to me. For years, various close friends have tried to tell me about my handicap, to no avail.

I never remember to ring out the sponge when I do dishes or cleaning. I never take it out of the sink. I leave it full of pieces of food. And, take notice dear Greeley, I use the dish sponge on the floor. I clean the stove grime with the same sponge with which I wash glasses. I ruin every sponge I come in contact with. I sneak new sponges to cover up the fact that I have ruined the current one.

Everyone I have lived with, many of you, and everyone I have visited can remember an instance of this. I am guilty as charged. I am mending my ways because of the persistence of my daughters in illustrating my slovenly ways. I have compassion for the people I have offended and compassion for myself. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I will change, starting NOW.

Progress reports to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Mamadou has the same problem and its so irritating. I dont remember this sbout you though....
