Monday, September 24, 2012

My Asshole Theory

It has long been one of my pet theories that people who are assholes spend their lives proving that they are assholes. Think about all the true assholes you have known and test out my theory. They might fake you out once in a while. You might think they have recovered or improved or had a transformative  epiphany, but sooner or later, WHAM, back to offering proof of their true colors. I am certain of this, having watched my theory  prove true again and again.

Have you ever met a mean person who, once showing her colors, doesn't get mean acting now and  then? A selfish person who doesn't speak or act selfishly? An idiot who doesn't seem to stop acting idiotically? I just don't know. Really mean people can be charming, charming, delightful...then mean. Don't they get it?

I mean if I am working so hard to overcome my sponge problem, why can't others work on similarly difficult traits? I am skating on thin ice here. I, ahem, used to have an acid tongue. I could cut nearly anyone to the quick. I made one of my life changing Buddhist vows to myself that I wouldn't use that weapon against easy prey. It is damaging and demeaning. Right now I am wrestling with wanting to use my evil powers. I am dying to talk about a specific mean person. I won't. I won't!

I am also fighting the temptation to get into the nature vs. nurture discussion again. I mean where does assholery commence? Where did my  sponge problem come from? I have no memory whatsoever of my parents being sponge challenged. It could be in my DNA, I suppose. Or it could come from a lost memory of a sponge trauma. It could be because I am a Taurus. I mean, I am a hard
worker, but aren't all Taurus people a bit lazy. So was it an accident of the timing of my birth? Or did I choose to be born a Taurus so I could confront in this lifetime, once and for all, my sponge problem. I am, as usual, pretty confused. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't seem bad to inform someone that their behavior is offensive and why you think so, and have a discussion.

    It does seem offensive to call them an asshole. Now if you are driving, all bets are off, they are *all* assholes.
