Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reality Shows

As we are dumbing down as a country, as more and more vapid programming is on the menu. Some of the Housewives shows and Jersey Shore and the cooking reality shows repeat the entire previous segment after nearly every ad. Is this a filler so they only have to use 10 minutes of programming to fill an hour? Or is it that as with Cliff Notes, we have to be told what the dramatic moment is? A viewer certainly can't leave without knowing the three dramatic moments that lead up to the hair pulling, shoving, screaming, crying. When the rest of the world sees our military and contractors buying preteen sex slaves, eating crap food, drinking and drugging with impunity and then watches our TV offerings, are they getting the real picture of the USA today? I guess so. Our military and contractors and weapons and TV and movies are pretty much the front line of our exports.

If you lived in a religious family anywhere including the USA would you want your child exposed to this kind of culture? How does a Christian or a Muslim or a good Jewish family reconcile their faith with the slutty, fake, pugnacious junk we watch on TV? There used to be a hope of standards. I guess cable stations were the end of that. I watch cable TV, don't get me wrong. But, I rather like the idea of a script, a plot, some smattering of intelligence and updraft. I know. I don't have to watch the crap that is offered up. But I did last week. And I was shocked and appalled. I can't think we can be a world leader if we ourselves have no standards, if we export and import drugs, guns, failed military training, (School of the Americas) and ugliness, prejudice and hatred.

And we still buy the idea that everyone wants to come here for opportunity. If you look at the current picture, most of the people who want to come here have been driven to it by our actions destabilizing and invading their countries. It is the same immigration problem all over the countries especially in Europe where former colonies which have been depleted, subverted, ruined environmentally and then God help us, those Indians want to come to England. Almost every refugee I have ever met wants nothing more than to go home. It is just hard when home is mined, or ruined by scorched earth policies or they  happened to make the mistake of working with the invaders. Most I have met didn't come here because they wanted the Hollywood life of LA Housewives. (Except of course the really rich families of the drug people who are already here)

I find all this very sad.

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