Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Joys of Needing Help

This is the fun part to remember. The so called bad luck was that I broke my hip. The good part was I didn't need surgery. The bad part was that I missed the Camino. Two years later, the good part was I walked the Camino and my boots were a lot more broken in. The bad part was that I was living on the sail boat and couldn't walk on the dock or get in and out of the boat. The good part was just beginning.

My friends from Oregon came down and carted me home from California in the back of an SUV. This was one day after I had gone to my daughters house. Staying there was untenable because I couldn't go up stairs to take a shower and the baby kept wanting to sit on my lap, a highly impossible idea with a broke hip. The friends had figured everything out for me - where I would stay, who would feed me, who would bathe me, renting hospital equipment, who would sit with me. Then my friend Louis, the great acupuncture doc told me to take the Chinese herb combo The Great Mender. I could feel the pulsing strength increasing deep in my bones. Veege came by and put comfrey compresses on me. Visitors came so much I could hardly read a book, no time. Friends came and took me on outings, airing me out. Time flew by.

I have mentioned this previously, but when you can't even get to the bathroom by yourself, and you are the luckiest person in the world to have friends and family who will drop their important lives and take care of you and you are lucky enough to have a curable problem, life couldn't be better. I gathered strength in many ways at that time. I absorbed love. I healed and was healed.

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