Sunday, September 16, 2012


Why me? Many people let loose with this question when things are not going well. We can come up with all kinds of pats on the back and wonderful reasons when things are going well; "I worked hard.", "I had a lot of advantages.", I am a good person.",  you name it. But when things aren't as we wish them to be, events can't be explained.

"Why can't I get pregnant?" "Why can't I eat peanuts?" "Why can't I smoke or drink casually like my friends?" "Why can't I eat all I want and stay thin?" Most of the answers really don't add up. If we think of life as a one shot deal and death as an absolute end, then there can be no answer that works in all situations. We can rely on fads to explain things, like you got the Black Death in the Middle Ages when someone gave you the evil eye.  You can rely on science as in Cold Mother Syndrome causes Autism in children as was conventional wisdom among shrinks in the fifties and sixties. You can blame God, or bad luck or bad genes, but to my way of thinking, even those reasons had to have a cause.

It is only when we see that everything has a cause and everything has an effect that we can once and for all take responsibility for what is going on in our lives and start the antidotes. Yes folks, I am back to KARMA again. If anyone can share with us any other system of belief that holds true in all situations and gives a chance of redemption, I would very much like to hear it. I love the notion that I have control of my life, right now, right here, at all times. Examining what we have created and can change is very different from naval gazing. It is highly practical stuff. It also seems to create the mood for compassion. If we are all suffering schmucks bumbling along trying to be happy, then those who are acting the most fucked up are really suffering greatly.

I am not a patient person. I talk about this subject because I am trying very hard to be more compassionate and understanding. This takes patience even with myself. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!

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