Friday, April 12, 2013


I do believe that we all have a higher self, a guardian angel. How otherwise would we have survived this long? When we ask for advice from friends or a therapist or a priest, we are looking for some objectivity. Such objectivity lies also within. We can access it through quieting ourselves, asking and listening. We can have a direct line to wisdom.

Many years ago, I was staying with my friend Shelley and had just come back from El Salvador. I was having a difficult experience of culture shock, returning to the USA. In the midst of a pretty chaotic scene (teenagers and kids all over the place), I asked for guidance and heard that I should write about the subject of asking for guidance. I sat on the deck and scribbled in an old notebook. I wrote a book called How to Know Now. Then I put the book in a drawer and forgot about it.

After a lot of time had passed, I had a bad dream. In the dream, I had a baby. I went to check on the baby in her room and she was lying in a crib; cold, wet, hungry. I was frightened and upset by the dream. I had never neglected my kids. I spent the day trying to figure out why I had had that dream.

As I went to sleep that night, I remembered that my friend, John Gardner, had once told me that I might get insight if I asked for a dream that would solve my question. Upon going to sleep that night I asked what the neglected baby dream was about.

The dream came back and when I opened the door to check on the baby, she had pulled herself up and was standing in the crib with a brand new white tee shirt with the words YOUR BOOK written on it. Oh shit. I had followed my guidance and written what I felt led to and then thrown it aside. Oops.

With a lot of help from my friend Ron, I self-published the little book. It helped a bunch of people. It felt good. (It is printed in its entirety near the beginning of this BLOG. Read it, or read it again)

The thing is, whether about the book, or the dream, or any little problem of life, the thing is that we have to remember to turn to the highest and focus on the divine solutions. And it is always hard to remember when we are in the midst of confusing situations. Turning towards the Light is always the best choice, sometimes the only choice.

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