Sunday, April 28, 2013

Babies Everywhere...

Everywhere I have gone since I returned from Nicaragua, I am seeing babies and older folks. Mind you, I have only been in California and Oregon. I have mostly been in high end neighborhoods, but the epidemic of the boomers and their grandchildren is wildly evident. If I were to consider a business at this time, it would be directed at those markets.

I was born in 1944, so I was a war baby. By the time I was in second or third grade, the portable classrooms started to sprout up all over the school yard. The boomers had hit in enormous numbers. For a while every activity for kids was mobbed. Now we (they) have hit 65. I expect that the lines will be very long for any activity (doctors offices) that we need.

I can see how it happened. Men (mostly) had been away for years fighting in the Pacific and in Europe. They returned to a country that was out of the depression, desperately anxious to return to some normalcy. Housing loans and the GI Bill for education were put in place immediately. The kids came and came fast. The American Dream was attainable for many. The world stage was mostly quiet. Manufacturing had exploded during the war. Everyone had a shot.

Rudolf Steiner said that there are times in history when many souls feel the need to incarnate at the same time. They have a karmic need to be alive for critical events in world history. I don't have the insight into what the even was that our generation was here for, nor this new gang that is coming now. What I do feel is hope. New babies always bring me hope. The children that I have met all seem to be remarkable. Many are being born bringing an aura of having it all together. They are beautiful, engaging, smart, wise. I don't think this just because I have a grandmother's bragging rights. I see it in random kids I walk by in the park. I see it in the stores.

These kids give me hope. I hope they are a mighty force to turn things around and bring humanity to a better place, bring the world into balance, bring light into the darkness. That is what I am hoping.

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