Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gun Control? Don't be ridiculous..

The loss in the Senate on the gun control bill would have been more interesting if the bill had had some teeth. So many compromises had been made in the creation of the bill that I think it was already shameful before the vote. A great defeat of a radical bill would have distinguished those fighting for it. The right and the ultra right are not making concessions. They are standing for their ideals. I think the left needs to do the same.

The country is divided in a way that has not, to my knowledge, happened since the Civil War. Seemingly, in an attempt to bridge that gap and make things work, we are allowing the chipping away of what we know is right. This is not working. When those wishing for sensible, sane, gun control know they have the will of a large majority behind them, they should be emboldened. I can't see why this is not happening.

If we continue on the current trajectory we will become like the Congo or other countries in the midst of civil wars where men go around in the back of pick up trucks spraying the crowds randomly with millions of bullets. I don't think anyone wants to be part of that picture.

We need some Gandhi figures to stand up and never give an inch. If you are for the truth and do not compromise, you will prevail. I believe this. I don't vote for a legislature which won't even stand for what the majority of their voters want. It doesn't make sense. It is a stupid picture. Maybe we should give up our idea of democracy and just vote for what corporation or industry we want running the show. Monsanto or AT&T? Halliburton or General Electric? It feels like that's almost what is going on.

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