Sunday, August 5, 2012

An Abject Apology - I Am a Snob

I am so sorry I have been a really bad snob. It came to me in the middle of the night, the full blown fact that some of what I have been writing and observing, while it might seem to be truthful or clever, doesn't reflect my truth. My truth is that I have experienced the effects of karma. It is the one world view that I can wrangle with and see in action and no matter how I test it, it still holds water.

My mea culpa comes from remembering that we are all, on many levels, exactly the same. Each of the billions of people on this planet is doing his/her best given the circumstances that they have earned with their previous karma. We have all been in every situation we can see around us. The Dalai Lama says that everyone we meet in this life has been our mother in a previous life.

My sister Sarah called to give me some feedback on my article about psychology. I had been a snob about dumb articles in dumb magazines. She pointed out that if an article helps even one person be better or feel better, it has done some good. I agree.

The Dalai Lama says that everyone you meet in this life was your mother in a previous life and should be treated with great respect. With loving kindness. He recently gave an interview to the national homeless magazine in which he urged people to keep hope alive. I can't even imagine how difficult that would be for people working in the mines of the Congo, the sweatshops of China, the streets of the USA. But with our every thought of the humanity of others, we are giving a little power to the cause of hope.

I want to be part of the building of a better world, not a snobby critic of what I see. Finding our common humanity and our common struggle and remembering the gifts of every moment of every day is a big piece of the puzzle.

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