Friday, August 10, 2012

"Many Returns of the Day" . . . Blessing or Curse?

There are so many days that I wish I could experience over and over again. Others, oh well, I sort of wish they never happened. But if I think about it, both the bad and the good add up to who I am today. That's cool.

I guess, if truth be told, we do, in fact, have many "returns of the day" in our memory. The day I felt the happiest I ever remember feeling, I was in Cuba with my friend Randie and there was a massive celebration going on with people from hundreds of countries gathered. It was the thirtieth anniversary of Che Guevarra's death and his body was being returned to Cuban soil for burial...finally.

I assume it wasn't all of his body for it has been well documented than when the CIA assassins murdered him they cut off his hands and sent them to DC to prove that they got the right man. Sadly for the CIA, he was more inspirational dead than alive. He became a world wide hero to millions. His picture is recognized everywhere and honored.

When I knew I was experiencing a peak moment, I stopped and pulled the experience deeper into my being so that I could recall it at another time. I still can. It is like a drug flashback. It was not dependant on the time and place. The setting was wild. It was a stunning, hot summer day in Havana. There were supposedly more than a million people there. Fidel gave a huge speech - four hours or something. Who cared? We were walking around, went down to the ocean a few times, came back, met lots of people, felt sorry for the immense Chinese delegation in their pajamas and marching in step while all the hot Latinos were so amazingly sexy and gorgeous. Then as evening came there was the party. In a communist country where no one has much of anything, throwing a party is serious business. We were advised to bring cups. Shortage of cups was a problem. We brought cups and then saw the ginormous tanker trucks with great rum, pick up trucks of great cigars, and about thirty of the best bands in the world. We danced all night with everyone from little children to ancient grannies.

My euphoria came in the morning before all this. Gracias a Dios. Lama Marut says that if we appreciate it, "All lights are green on the highway of life." We have to  remember to notice. I think his expression has a lot in common with "everybody loves a lover." You know, when you are giving off the great vibe, everyone can't help but meet you up there.

I was going to go into some bad memories that can be relived in all their intensity. But I think right now it would be unhealthy for me to do so. We all have some bits of PTSD, and some have it very badly. It is the real deal. If you can control it enough to keep your eyes on the light, you are well on the way to health. So, today, for once, I will practice what I preach. Namaste dear friends.

1 comment:

  1. hi julie,
    how funny that you wrote about cuba and i called you today! well I LOVE the idea of recognizing when you are experiencing a peak moment and pulling it in so that you can recall/relive it later. wow. better than reliving the traumas. what a week. lots of love to you. Randie
