Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How Can We Deplore Violence When It Is A Foundation of Our Culture?

We have to make a big shift, a shift so big that it would change the dynamic of the whole planet. When I speak her about violence here, I will refer to weapons, but I wish to include violence to the earth, to specific groups, (women, Muslims, 'enemies') and to mental as well as verbal violence. Mahatma Gandhi said that for every weapon made, the will come a bigger and better weapon. He said the only weapon that can out gun, so to speak, weapons so lethal that we haven't even invented them yet, is LOVE.

He knew that no weapon can ultimately win over non-violence. We all know that each great shift in global dynamics has come with the arrival of a newer and better weapon on the scene. We also know that we are the largest weapon manufacturer on the planet, the largest merchant of said crap. We don't agree to stop using land mines when the rest of the world does. We push, promote, hustle, give away, sell, weapons to anyone, anywhere. Remember Reagan and his arms deal to Iran? All the time, everywhere, even now. Look up some of the soldier of fortune magazines, look up some of the gun sales websites, check into what our government buys and sells above board each year. Go to your local grocery store in many states and shop for apples and guns.

So, how can we decry gun violence? Who are we kidding? Watch kids cartoons, watch movies, watch where we are making trouble legally or not all over the planet. Everywhere there is trouble, there we are. And how is it working out? Are we feeling really safe? Are our kids safe? Are our schools safe? Can we still keep the delusion that we are a peaceful nation with a random group of a few bad eggs? How do we solve national problems? We kill Bin Laden without charges, or trial or due process of any kind. Back in the 1300s people figured that that was barbaric.

I am all for banning assault weapons. I am all for stricter gun control laws, but I know that there has to be a piercingly clear evaluation of where we are and where we are going. As my friend, John Gardner used to say, "If God wants to send you a message, first He whispers, then He shouts, then He hits you over the head with a hammer." What hammer are we awaiting?

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