Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mark Twain...Is This True Anymore?

Noise proves nothing--often
   a hen who has merely 
laid an egg, cackles as if she
   had laid an asteroid.

We know this. We can think of the big braggart who actually has done nothing at all. And on the other side, the quiet person who accomplishes so much without a peep. Some of the aid projects in third world countries are like this. You get the big flashy projects that have big give away  promos and make a big noise and then you have the quiet slow projects like teaching literacy that will change the future of the whole family, but these are slow and don't show results today.

I am absolutely for giving food to a starving people, but I am also promoting digging wells, giving seeds, fish hooks, whatever it will take to help people get on their feet. It is no surprise that literacy is almost at the top of the list. Even in a country with abundant food and water, without the ability to read, people are assured of a life of everyday being the same, the hunt for food or a few cents is completely all consuming.

One hears a lot of discussion about what aid projects work and what ones don't. It is a subject that needs constant rethinking.Let me know your experieces with things that work and things that don't.
We need to figure this out in the first word countries also. We need it now.

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