Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I've Talked About Lisa Before, She is a Living Saint

Lisa is one of the most truly authentic people I have ever known. If anyone of you is suffering right now, spend some SKYPE time with her. You will feel so loved!
Through all life
there is but one thread.
There is but one Truth
that whispers here
inside the fullness of creation.
It is all that is,
effortlessly expressing,
defying definition.

Our own breath, This is.
Through thought
or silence,
or ignorance,
is what "we" are,
what one is.

To see Lisa's schedule for 2013 visit her website:
A time for deeper truth telling.  It is the time of the fire. In the darkest longest nights, there is a fire burning and it is inside the heart of your heart. It is the fire of Truth, fueled by the desire for freedom. If it is so, that you want freedom, then there must be the willingness to be tenacious in examining how you turn away by ignoring; by betraying yourself. I have been feeling such a strong desire to become more trustworthy to myself, and as I open to receive the fruits of this wholesome desire I see that willingness is the key. To be willing to simply look at what has been ignored. The reward is liberation from the grooves of habits laid down in childhood or beyond... the reward is deeper compassion toward myself and others - a kind of wisdom that has its source in silence, stillness, openness.
The sessions I am offering have been a real inspiration, revealing a natural unmoving attentiveness that is present without effort. I have truly benefited and am grateful for the years of guidance from my beloved Gangaji and Eli that open the way for my life to be used to transmit this.  As one person who had a session reported recently, "I told my story and Lisa was simply still and listening and in that the story was reflected back to me. This was what made me see through it. Lisa didn't have to say anything." This reflecting is truly effortless on my part - I do not have the sense of "doing" anything except paying close attention to what is being shared. My life is truly enriched by this and I am seeing the benefits to others so I would like to encourage you if you are at all interested, to have a session with me.
Free first session.  I am still offering free sessions to those who have not ever had one until January. After that, the sessions will be $75. There have been many requests for skype or phone sessions and so I would like to extend an offer for that now too. Please send an email to: to arrange an appointment.

May all be in peace, may all thrive in intelligence and kindness.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I had the blessings of getting to trim Lisa's hair last week! Wonderful to spend 45 mins. with her in my chair! Her listening allowed me to share why I am done looking for my other home when I have had it for 26 yrs. My very own sweet sweet Jamaica, in spite of all that I still "wish & hope" would change. And, I have my very own Ashland. I love my life here, my herstory of being here since '74. Counting my blessings, naming them one by one, seeing what God/Jah has done. Now...forward to travel for more
